"Stay in motion", as lack of movement accelerates the degeneration process of the human body. For more than 30 years, the MOTOmed movement therapy device has been globally proven to positively influence the therapy progress of many diseases. Benefit from the smooth, controlled and pleasant movement. Strengthen your physical and mental well-being with regular MOTOmed training.
The MOTOmed enables regular movement training for persons with physical limitations. Passive, motor-assisted or active resistive training - the MOTOmed training loosens and strengthens the muscles, stimulates the metabolism and the circulation, and improves endurance and the function of the cardio vascular functions.
Enjoy your MOTOmed training at home, independently and privately, free from weather and seasonal changes. Twelve special MOTOmed models with more than ninety accessories and special software features such as SpasmControl, MovementProtector and ServoCycling allow for a safe training according to your individual requirements.
The MOTOmed is an authorized medical aid in Germany. In Germany, upon certain preconditions, up to 100% of the cost is covered by the government health insurance.
Watch our product videos or request your free copy of our MOTOmed DVD.
We are offering free product demonstrations with no obligation. Call us at +49 7374-1885 or use our contact form to request more information.