RECK-Technik GmbH & Co. KG
Reckstraße 1-5
D-88422 Betzenweiler
ph: +49 7374 18-84
fax: +49 7374 18-80
Personally liable company: RECK Beteiligungs GmbH
Authorized representative executive directors: Christine Reck, Andreas Reck, Josef Hugger, Josef Ott
Court of registry: Amtsgericht Ulm
Registration number: HRB 650 430
Tax-ID number according to paragraph 27 of VAT Act: DE 8120 3888 1
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The contents on this site have been carefully composed. We cannot assume liability for the correctness, integrity and currentness of the contents. The service provider is responsible for their own contents on the site according to paragraph 7 article 1 TMG of general law. According to paragraphs 8 to 10 TMG as service provider we are not responsible for monitoring transferred or saved outside information, or to search for circumstances concerning legal actions. The responsibility for removing or blocking the use of information remains in accordance to general law. A definite liability is only effective at the time of notice of a clearly defined violation of rights. In case of violation of rights the contents will be removed immediately.
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Source: Disclaimer from eRecht24
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